You need Android Studio 3.4+ for the Android part of the tutorial.
The Kotlin plugin 1.3.41 or higher should be installed in the IDE. This can be verified via Language & Frameworks | Kotlin Updates section in the Settings (or Preferences) window.
Optionnal for mac user : For the iOS part of the tutorial, you need a macOS 10.14+ host with Xcode 10.3+ and the tools installed and configured.
Clone the workshop project repository :
git clone
Checkout the branch step_one_setup
cd workshop-kmp
git checkout step_one_setup
This project contain an Android app, a library and an iOS project.
The project should sync and you should be able to compile and run the Android application on an emulator or a real device.
You should see a blank screen :
First you have to prepare the framework for iOS
./gradlew :kore:packForXCode
It creates the directory kore/build/xcode-frameworks
which contains a gradlew executable and the framework for Xcode.
by opening the workspace file : ../workshop-kmp/iosApp/kosmos/kosmos.xcworkspace
You can now compile and run the project on an iOS emulator or on a real device.
You should see a blank screen :